Letter from 2012 (:

Hey there!

How was year 25? Quarter of a century old. That’s really putting things into perspective, isn’t it?

I guess that partly explains why you were rather unhappy in year 24. Quarter life crisis anyone? And you are writing this with a really jaded feeling.

Birthday celebration was rather awesome isn’t it? You have wonderful colleagues, really! Elmos, Polaroid camera, Wonder Shrimps (are they still alive?!) and that very expensive rainbow cake! Isn’t it nice that everyone went out of their way to delight you? To take care of you? Sometimes, I don’t know why you are so unhappy there.

I know you had some doubts about work. You contemplated it for many months. What is the conclusion? Did you stay? Or are you at a different place now? Happier? Less jaded? I’ve left. So glad that I wrote this down last year. It was a well thought out decision then (:

How’s the family? Is Ah Yong finally done with NS? (: Dajie still working? Yes, Ah Yong is done is with NS. He is taking some time to find his direction though. Dajie is still working and she bought a car!

Are the parents okay? Grams? Grams had a little accident last week. But all’s good! 

What’s the one thing that you are proudest of this past year?

Are you attached?

Did you go to Taiwan? Or Japan? How about Korea during Autumn? No:(

Meimei, not getting any younger. If you are still doing the same thing and yet not feeling happier, please do something about it. Take a break, find yourself again! Remember how jovial you used to be? Yes, I am partly writing this because I hate who I am now. Negative. Negative. Negative. Do something about it!!

Most importantly, remember to thank God for looking after your family and you.

Cheers to a happier 26 right? HWAITING!!

[Throwback] I miss my Maybank family (:

While going through my Facebook albums looking for some pictures, I found this –

24th birthday (:

24th birthday (:

Hahaha! I can still remember that SNSD was staying at Fullerton Hotel that day. The colleagues went down with me to “chase” them! And before this photo was taken, Iris stepped on CP’s foot. And that tiny photo on the right? The team went down to help Amy (our ex-boss) to clean up her cafe (:

Call it what you will. Say what you want. Maybe time add fluff to memories. But these days, I find myself missing my colleagues (: The infectious laughter and endless teasing!

I think it’s important that we remember the happy memories we have at any workplace (: Regardless of what happened that made you decide to leave.

Some people might think that being so ‘loyal’ or missing your ex-company so much might be bad for your future job hunt. But honestly, I don’t think so. Would you rather hire someone who has nothing good to say about their ex-company or someone who, despite everything, still have positive things to say about their ex-company?

Frankly, I’ll choose the latter (: Because if someday, should that person leave my company, he/she will have only good things to say about it. And, it’s always better to have one more supporter than a skeptic right? (:

I did a quick recap of things I remember about some of my ex-companies and all I can remember are the happy stuff (: Watching DVDs during lunch @ MOE, sharing a Krispy Kreme @ NTUC, sales period @ Perlini’s!

ANYWAYS! here’s a ‘list’ of a few things that I miss about the Maybank ‘family’.

1. Remembering the extension numbers of almost everyone

I think this takes practice. But after awhile, I started memorising the extension numbers of most of the people I regularly work with. Sometimes, I will even pick up the phone and go, “Hello! AMY!” Hahaha!

2. Seeing the word “BOSS” appearing on my phone

It’s quite funny. The word, “BOSS” appears when the CEO calls! When I first saw the word appearing, I had a shock and really nervous. But after awhile, seeing the word, “BOSS” appearing on my phone became something I look forward to. Kinda. Cos it means there’s a creative challenge to be conquered, an inspiring message to be sent out etc

3. The branches. Oh my, branches (:

I didn’t know that I will miss them. I didn’t know that I miss them until the brother started working part-time and had to visit the branches. I realised I have funny stories and nice things to say about almost every branch.

For example, how the folks at Clementi calls me, “Shan shan!” whenever I call them (: Or how Kovan always print out the EDMs I sent out and paste it in their backroom. Heee.

4. Ah-Kee Pte Ltd!

I miss Ah-Kee and my morning/afternoon drink. I love their fruit juices, longan + red date drinks, chee cheong fun and milk tea! (: His wife remembers when to give me packet drink in the afternoon and when to give me their afternoon special!

5. My team!

Yup! I miss their infectious laughter (: The sweet gestures of my colleagues. There was a time when I am obsessed with the Plum Sweet. And almost every other week, I will come in and find 2 bottles on my table on Monday. Or how my colleagues will buy my favorite food like Kaya Buns, Famous Amos and Cinnamon Melts when they know I am stress. Loves!

I remember on my first few weeks of work, they bought me eggs that were still un-cracked. Cos I didn’t know how to crack eggs and was too paiseh to ask so I just left the eggs in my drawer and….I FORGOT TO TAKE THEM OUT OVER THE WEEKEND! *facepalm*

The online shopping! Woots! And there was once Viv brought some of her stuff to office and we had a mini-yard ‘sale’. Everyone went home with something! I am still wearing some of the stuff from that time (: Too bad I didn’t manage to save that picture!

we all turned up in blue and in dresses from Dressabelle!

Oh! And I love how the team calls me, “Mei mei” (: Meeeeeeiiii!!!

6. The kiddos!

Yes, it’s weird. But yup! I miss the kiddos! I miss seeing them at events and having them visit the office. Nuff said. Pictures!

with gareth!

invasion of the CEO office!

7. The last minute creatives, the campaigns, the webmasters!

I used to grumble about it alot. Having to do last minute EDMs that was out of my job scope. But now, I kind of miss them.

I also miss the planning and execution of external service campaigns like Customer Delight and what I like to call…Ambush the Customer. Seeing the delight on the customers’ faces is priceless. I also miss the vendors I have worked with like First Food and Spectrum. Really nice people (:

I miss the webmasters too! People who I don’t really see very often but always there. Whenever I have some last minute updates or some technical problems, I know I can always email them. They are always so willing to help even if it’s beyond their job scope.

8. The CSR activities and this video sums up everything!

Helping out CSR activities is always something I look forward to. And seeing how the entire company come together to help out, it’s really motivating (:

I did a video sometime back when testing out the Movie Digest function on my camera. think it pretty much sums up everything.

Time add fluff to memories.

Bosses’ Day 2012 (:

[Throwback] my 21st birthday (:

Original post here. Excerpt below (:

A lot of things to blog about! Like the photoshoot on Monday and heading to town with ber on Tuesday! But my birthday comes first (:

The Meepok Part

When the clock strikes 12, the whole family came to my room and sang birthday song for me! *grins* Here’s some of the pictures –

with the parents(:

the family in pajamas!

the family in pajamas!

After the cake blowing, I tried to seperate the cake. FAIL! I didn’t cut it through and through-.- HAHAHAHA! But ohwells! The sister kept grilling and asking me what I want for my birthday. But like I said, I really don’t know! So I told to her wait and see what the rest bought me today.

Woke up with a sore throat and fever :( Was quite upset because of that. I was so afraid that I can’t attend the birthday gathering the gang have organized for me. I went to the kitchen and sajiao-ed to my mum (Note: I don’t do sajiao! This is pretty rare!). Gulped down a cup of milk, medicine, vitamin C and back to bed. Felt a gazillion times better afterwards! Repeated the cycle and woke up at 7pm to change and head out (:

Sivan came up with a really lousy excuse to get me to go the block opposite Deyi :P I was kind of afraid that I am alittle overdress but my mum told me to just go!

And, when I reached the place….SURPRISE!!

me acting surprised!

Fact: It is very VERY hard to surprise me! Many have tried and failed! You are welcome to take up the challenge!

Some of the juniors were there! Joshua, Allan, Wei Shun and Roxanne! Jerold couldn’t make it :( Sigh. But whees~

I didn’t know Joshua was sick until I saw him taking his medicine after dinner. He had to eat like 4 different kind of medicine, I think! Poor guy. And like I said on Plurk, heart pain! Get well soon, dude! (:

the 2 sickies – joshua and me! (special mention!)

Here’s my darling council board! The one I missed so so so so so much!

Deyi Student Council! loves~

These are the people who have seen me work under stress, gone without sleep for 3 days (major hyperactivity) and do plenty of bimbotic things(: We went through camps and investitures together. Excluding the juniors, my committee members and I called our batch, “The Horny Dynasty”. WAHAHAHA! And I think it’s my fault >.<

Anyways, I didn’t expect Kesin to come! She’s my PSL (Peer Support Leader) alumni!

She’s still the same! Really nice and motherly (: I miss her. Note to Sivan! We must call the alumnis out for dinner or something! Okay, maybe not all of them! But at least Kesin and Ming Lun! I haven’t seen them in eons! Misses!

Ling, Juan, Michelle and the juniors got me muffins !! Kelvin insisted on taking a picture because he came up with the idea of placing them into the number 21. Seriously, this guy is turning more bimbotic! He was rolling his eyes while we were waiting for our seats! HILARIOUS!

me and kelvin -.-

Since everyone had work/school/sick and stuff, we left after taking some group pictures outside (:

the collage (:

I didn’t know they got me a $50 Epicenter gift card! I was about to throw the carrier away until I realised that there’s something heavy in it! >.< HAHAHA! YEAH! So I told my sister that they can chip in to the $50 and I will top up the rest and get myself a new iPod! (Hmm..Or maybe iTouch). But ohwells!



Find out why I collapsed! By watching the video here! Plurk people, I will most probably have posted link there (or I already did)!

Year 20 in conclusion – The Reflective Part

I don’t remember much about being 20. Just that it passed by really quickly. Watching all my friends turning 21 before me and eagerly anticipating my own. Not sure whether I want to celebrate it in a bang or just let it go. Because to me, I don’t like to fuss over my birthday! It’s just another day of the year! Just that yours truly (and a lots more kids) were born!

But I’m glad I celebrated the way I did. Thanks alot, everyone!

Since 21 seems to be a major milestone and what not, I came up with a list of things I wanted to complete before my birthday! And I’m happy to say that I’ve completed 4 out of 5 ! Even though the photo shoot thing was by chance! Take a look at the list here!

August was pretty tough for me this year. The dad finally sold his shop and started working at my aunt’s shop. We had to get used to the sudden increase in expenditure because ever since I was born, we never had to spent a cent to get groceries and snacks. We just kind of get our food from the shop as and when we want. So yups. Some problems came up here and there but we are surviving (: The family bond is stronger! And the parents actually have time to go “dating” again!

Of course, also in August, my mum went for brain surgery. I remembered almost bursting into tears when my sister called me while I was at work. Millions of thoughts running through my head and constantly telling myself to remain positive. I guess we were kind of lucky that we got the best neuro surgeon in TTSH – Dr Ivan Ng. He explained stuff to us very matter-of-factly(:

Went through some shit because as usual, the siblings and parents were relying on me to take care of the paperwork from the hospital and insurance and what not. I had to plan my timetable in a way so that I can be home most of the time. I had to skip classes to bring my mum back for her post-op check-up. Listening to all the medical terms, trying to dig up all the ancient biology knowledge, trying to understand and then having to translate them to Mandarin was tough. I had to deal with questions from a)myself, b)the parents and c) the siblings. I also had to comfort the parents who looked so lost and scared that I don’t even know what to say and my heart just aches (if I am allowed to be drama).

But we pulled through! The mum is okay now(: The tumor is benign! Her hair looks FUNKY! Hahah. Special thanks to Sivan and bestie! I think I called both of them pretty much during that period, sobbing over the phone and outright refusing to answer their calls cause I was down. They were pretty worried! Loves~

On the social front, I met quite a few people from Plurk! Had lots of fun! Especially after the Bloggers Calendar 2009 photoshoot! And I hope to be able to continue to kajiao them with my bimbotic antics(: Because, you never know! Online friendships are tricky. One false interpretations and it’s ADIOS!

Still single! 21 years and counting! Not that I am actively seeking to be attached. The idea of that still irks me quite abit.

Graduating next July (technically, I am free after April). Still have no idea what I want to be. But I know I most definitely do not want to go into the banking/finance industry. I know, I know. Ironic! Cause I am majoring that. *shrugs* I want to be around people! People who are motivated and charged with energy! Or maybe go into teaching (childhood ambition) or nursing (teenager ambition). Or maybe I will dabble into the hospitality/marketing industry (JC ambition).

All I know is that I want something challenging ! Something with interactions! Something that requires paying attention to details!

21 !! I don’t know what I want to achieve but hey! I just want to be myself! Stop holding myself back so much. Because that’s pretty much what I have been doing this whole year.

The past 2 weeks leading up to my birthday has been nice. I got to let go and saw part of my original personality (: And it shows! Bestie told me that I looked different today. Like how I was in secondary school. YAY! (:


Comments from 2013: 5 years passed by so quickly. turning 26 in exactly a month! 2008 was a tough year but I’m glad I have friends like them (: I may have lost touch with the juniors and don’t contact the rest of the classmates as often these days, but I know they will still be there for me when I need them. And vice versa. Ahh…Good times! I miss everyone! 😀 

[Throwback] The best representative of teamwork (:

I forgot what I was looking for but I stumbled across my proudest artwork ever. Yes, it’s not my best but the efforts poured into it, the amount of help I got and the exclamation of joy from the “people” made this my proudest artwork ever (:

Here goes –

EXSA 2011 (:

EXSA 2011 (:

270 photos. 6 sector reps. 3 person to piece this poster together. It’s really amazing.

I remembered that I was running a fever on the day that the poster was due at the printers. The artwork was only half done. But I still went to work because I didn’t want to disappoint anyone. Everyone was so looking forward to this. And all the help the sector reps and Viv poured in to help me gather the pictures.

Together, Ms Hong, Viv and I managed to resized and pieced all 270 photos manually (: We rushed down to the printer and made it in time for this to be printed (: Phew!

And on the day of the EXSA ceremony, everyone was so happy and excited to see this! Best reward EVER!

I almost forgot this piece of artwork. But yup! My proudest one ever (: And this is also the best representative of teamwork (: That made me smile when I saw it on my FB timeline! ^^

With that said, I do miss using Photoshop so much. I’ve been having dreams about using it -.-

Those were the days (: That’s it for Throwback Tuesday!

[Throwback] An email from 2008

While going through my old old old blog from way back in 2008, I fount this email from Prof Lee. I think we were just about to start our internship…

11 May 2008 

Hi guys,

Hey, how are you! 🙂 Guess you have passed the exam ordeal… That wasn’t so hard after all, was it? 😉 Have you watched Ironman with your classmates yetHaha oops I am not supposed to promote any specific movie 😛

Well the next BIG thing is probably your PA. Are you excited about it? 😉 Have you planned what to wear? Printed your internship name cards yet? Haha, that’s a little bit exaggerated.Nonetheless do understand how important this PA is to you, because it is YOUR PA, and it means the world to you. Therefore I sincerely wish you very good luck and a very happy and fulfilling PA experienceI would love to go to your workplace, have a business lunch with you and hear your war stories. But during this period I am loaded with another heavy task, so I have my limitations. Regardless, you can always MSN me at (his email add) okay?

Just to share an old story with you. Two years ago a BAF student got pretty “freaked” out when his PA bank asked him to come up with a credit analysis of the marine industry. So he MSNed me on how to do a credit analysis and which NTU library database to use. I was thinking like… “the bank wants a marine industry credit analysis report out of a $400/month intern?” Haha, after 2 weeks of hair-splitting and extreme stress, then this student realized that what his boss was REALLY asking for was to find a consultant to do this credit analysis report. So all the 2 weeks of stress was really unnecessary. Nonetheless his boss was quite appreciative of his hard work and let him present the final report before the board of directors. So this story (fiction or real regardless), tells us not to get stressed up too much okay? Be sure to understand what your boss REALLY wants! 😉

Haha, just keep positive. Learn the wise words from the Lord of the Rings!
“You cannot choose what you are put into, but you can choose how you respond to it.”

Haha, cannot resist myself — I am also giving you guys a summer reading list. Some of you have asked for it, so I spent like 5 days and consulted a few of my colleagues to come up with this list. Below is a brief description, see the attached for more details. Many of you may find difficulty speaking in an interview or doing small talk in business gatherings — this is mostly likely because you have not read enough fiction yet. Reading non-fiction does not really help you to talk, only fiction does. Furthermore these are the books that well respected in the finance industry and are good conversation topics. So your hard work in reading them would not go to waste.

Guys, at this stage of your BAF school life, you are just 4 months away from sending out your first resume that can determine your future career, and 5 months away from attending your first real job interview. Your dream employers will be doing their job market talks in August and they will probably start their interviews in September. So in this period, it would be good for you to do some soul-searching about what career you really want, balancing your dream and your capability, and polish up your resumes. The PA is a good time to learn about what the industry wants. Talk to your PA boss or some related managers on how to get hired, what qualities they are looking for, and how to do a “killer” cover letter, resume and interview. In the past many interns secure a job position before the PA ends. It makes good sense to the company because they have already invested by training you on the job. So if you are not really that “detestable”, they’ll definitely consider you above some unknown would-be fresh graduate.

Haha, I must be getting old… I talk so much 😛 Well again all the best for your PA. Keep cool. Keep confident. And keep positive. Take good care and have fun! 🙂

Best Regards.
Asst Prof Lee Hon Sing
Director of Undergraduate Programs, Banking and Finance

I remember receiving emails from Prof Lee before every exams and right before we graduate (: Even till today, Prof Lee still chat with me on FB (esp when I am down) though he has never actually taught me before (I sneaked into one of his FM class though!).

Those were the days.