I have posted this on Instagram and Facebook but I think I should put it here as well…

I love fishball beehoon (: I eat them when I can’t think of what to have (that’s like almost everyday). I can eat them almost everyday! Which I kinda did back in Maybank. The mix of ketchup + chilli is plain YUMS!

But I don’t like eating the fishball noodles bought at the market near my place. There’s shrimps (?) like spots that looks like dead insects’ body and the mix of chilli + ketchup is NEVER right. Well, that could be because my mum probably told them to leave out the chilli. whaaaatt.

I’m craving for them quite a bit these days. Haha! It’s always a fight between fishball beehoon or spicy nuggets. Yes, it’s that bad! You know how much I love my spicy nuggets ;p

So yes. #meepokpost

Devotion 28/06/2015

I have been reading Our Daily Bread and using “The Holy Bible” application (highly recommended) to starts plans. I particularly like Rick Warren’s because they are not overly preachy and helps to relate to daily life.

ANYWAYS! Sometimes, I find meaningful words/verses/phrases and I do a screenshot of them. But somehow, an idea struck me today and I thought, “Why not just do a weekly Sunday thing?” Just in case the phone dies and the screenshots disappeared *choy!*

Insomnia and pimples. Bah. But I made it through the week (: It’s kind of a bittersweet feeling when I say a week has passed – I made it through but at the same time, there’s still no reply. I’ll stay positive.

On Friday, after writing a post-event article for my colleagues in Dalian, I got one of the few sincere thank you since a long time ago (: The exact words were, “Pearl was so impressed with the article that she told me to learn from you. We really love the article! I will keep it and read it again and again and again!” Such a good thing to hear after extended period of ‘you’re not good enough’ and trying to figure things out 😀 There’s so much power in our words!

They will contact me this coming week. God’s promise is true and will be delivered.

I rejoice in Your presence and love for me, Lord. I choose joy in knowing Your love is constant and unchanging, forever fixed. – ODB, 21 June 2015

Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. – Joshua 1:9

Father, I’m bringing You my trials and frustrations. You know each and every detail. Please comfort me as only You can, and provide exactly what I need today. Help me give my unfulfilled expectation to You, trusting You’re working out a plan for me. – ODB, 22 June 2015

The Lord will fight for you. You just keep still. – Exodus 14:14

Help us, Father, to find You even in the midst of all life’s pain and aggravations. Forgive us for so often overlooking the beauty You have planted everywhere. – ODB. 23 June 2015

Lord, I ask You to imprint Your love into the depths of my heart. I believe You have a great future for me and that I can walk in Your purpose for my life. Amen. – The Confident Woman Devotional by Joyce Meyer

Lord, I ask You to give me wisdom as to what I give my time and attention. Help me to be busy with the right things and to give my best to those things. Amen. – The Confident Woman Devotional by Joyce Meyer

Fear makes us feel weak and helpless and causes us to think we are alone in the world….Lord, I’m tempted to fear what I cannot understand or control. But my security rests in You and not in what happens to me or around me. Help me to rest in Your unfailing love. – ODB, 26 June 2015

The Lord blesses you and surrounds you with His favour as with a shield.” – Joseph Prince Devotional.

Devotion 20/06/2015 (Part 2)

I have been reading Our Daily Bread and using “The Holy Bible” application (highly recommended) to starts plans. I particularly like Rick Warren’s because they are not overly preachy and helps to relate to daily life.

ANYWAYS! Sometimes, I find meaningful words/verses/phrases and I do a screenshot of them. But somehow, an idea struck me today and I thought, “Why not just do a weekly Sunday thing?” Just in case the phone dies and the screenshots disappeared *choy!*

As promised. Here’s the rest of the verses from last week. Was telling Esther that if you come by my blog, you will definitely go, “Is this even Huishan?” because gone are my techy stuff, gone are my ramblings ;p

Isaish 43:2 says, “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you, and through the rivers, they will not overwhelm you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned or scorched, nor will the flame kindle upon you.” God’s words here are clear: we will go through things. We will face adversity in our lives. That’s not bad news; that’s reality…..the things we go through are the very circumstances, challenges, and situations that make us people who know how to overcome adversity. – Trusting God Day by Day, Joyce Meyer

May the God of endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude towards each other, similar to Christ Jesus’ attitude. – Romans 15:5

Jesus, in the face of all kind of trouble and uncertainty, help me have a confident expectation that is grounded in Hour unfailing love for me. Our hope is anchored in Jesus. – ODB, 16 June 2015

The more stable our emotions are, the healthier we will be, and we all want to enjoy good health. Trust God to lead you with wisdom, and don’t merely follow your emotions. God will always lead you to a good place.  – Trusting God Day by Day, Joyce Meyer

I look up to You, Father,for You are the One who can help me.Thank You for the joys and trials in my life now. I’m grateful that I never walk alone. Keep your eyes on God – your source of help. – ODB, 15 June 2015

For some reason, religion has taught people that to be godly, they must have a low or even negative opinion of themselves….Say out loud, “I am nothing without Jesus but in and through Him, I am valuable and I can do great things.”  – Trusting God Day by Day, Joyce Meyer

2 more days to the weekend! WOOHOOO!

Devotion 20/06/2015

I have been reading Our Daily Bread and using “The Holy Bible” application (highly recommended) to starts plans. I particularly like Rick Warren’s because they are not overly preachy and helps to relate to daily life.

ANYWAYS! Sometimes, I find meaningful words/verses/phrases and I do a screenshot of them. But somehow, an idea struck me today and I thought, “Why not just do a weekly Sunday thing?” Just in case the phone dies and the screenshots disappeared *choy!*

Tough week but thankful for friends and family who felt indignant on my behalf. I have surprised everyone (myself included) by not crying. Well, other than on Friday morning for about a minute where it all flooded back. I am afraid to do anything. Even if it’s just to send an email. I am not eating and not sleeping well.

Anyways, that aside, I finally caught Jurassic World and it was awesome! There are some flaws, yes. But it’s a show where dinosaurs are alive, I think we can live with the flaws and lack of logic. Caught it alone after going to the doctor’s with my mum (all clear!). I also met up with Vivian and headed to Amy’s. Everyone, please visit bread yard at Galaxis (one-north)! Their lemon cookie is awesome and the food is good too (all day breakfast!). I suspect being able to talk to Amy and Vivian helped alot with accepting the news (:

with Vivian and Amy (:

With that said, this has been the message/verse of the week. I keep seeing it.

God never promises us a trouble-free life but He does promise us His presence and the strength (mental, physical and emotional) we require to go through our troubles.

Don’t fear, because I am with you. Don’t be afraid, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you, I will surely help you, I will hold you with my righteous strong hand.
– Isaiah 41:10

Esther has been sending over encouraging verses as well. I will make it through this because I have friends, family (and even 2 colleagues) and God with me.

Coming week will be challenging and loads more tougher because it’s the week before the hols end. God, bless me and surrounds me with Your favour as with a shield.

Here are the verses of the week.

Heavenly Father, as we care for the things dear to us, how much more do You care for us, Your children! Thank you for answered prayer and for the miracle of Your grace. – ODB, 20 June 2015

We need to be satisfied with the consequences of our thoughts because they hold the power of contentment and discontent, of joy and sadness. God has given us the ability to make choices about so many things in life, including our thoughts, and we must be responsible to make those choice carefully. Trust Him to help you to choose positive thoughts and to think on purpose. – Trusting God Day by Day by Joyce Meyer

Love puts up with all things, trusts in all things, hopes for all things, endures all things. – 1 Corinthians 13:7

Failure is not fatal. God lovingly restores those who turn back to Him. – ODB, 18 June 2015

Please guard each word we so we reflect You and Your love. Help our tongues speak words of healing and not harm. ‘Encourage one another and build each other up. – 1 Thessalonians 5:11’ – ODB, 17 June

Growth is not an automatic result of difficulty. Hardships do not necessarily produce grwoth or strength in us; it’s not that simple. We must choose the right attitude towards our challenges and refuse to quit or give up. We may have to do what is right for a long time before we feel it is ‘paying off’, but if we stay faithful and refuse to give up, good results will come. Once we get through the adversity and challenges we face, we emerge as better people than we were when we went into them.

Determine that you will go all the way through every difficulty you face in life. Make a decision now to keep going forward, trusting God no matter how difficult it is because you know He will be with you and you will grow in faith as a result. – Trusting God Day by Day by Joyce Meyer (I’m really liking her series)

Loads of good verses this week so I’m going to do one today and one on Wed (mid-week strength).

You are my shelter and my shield – I wait for your promise. – Psalms 119:114

i’m not an easy kid to raise.

I don’t know why but while having dinner last night, I suddenly started truly appreciate how hard it was for my mum to bring me up.

I’m a picky eater. Everyone knows that. I don’t eat 10,001 things for various reasons – can’t stand the idea, too messy, don’t like the taste etc. But if you think I am picky now, you should get to know me when I was younger.

I think I was 4 or 5 when I decided to not eat meat. It started by refusing to eat char siew then when I saw the fish at the fish soup stall, I stopped eating all meat. Initially, my mum will coat it in loads of ketchup and I will try to swallow it. But I remember there’s this day when I threw a super huge tantrum that even my grandpa can’t calm me down.

I think my mum tried to reason with me and I told her, “It’s cruel. Imagine if you are a fish and happily swimming then you got caught and die. Or your family and friends get caught. It’s cruel.” I think that was my first memory of fearing for my family. And after that, my mum accepted the fact.

The family gathering that followed that tantrum was horrible. We went to a seafood restaurant, I think. Those with fishes displayed in the front. I was horrified. It was also the first time that I met my cousins after I stopped eating meat. I remember my mum whispering to my relatives and asking them to not ask me questions.

You would think that was it. But nope.

My sister choked on some vegetable and I totally removed that vegetable from my menu. I found a cockroach in my vegetables from the economy rice stall and I refused to eat vegetables unless it’s cooked by my mum (still true). I saw a documentary where people eat eggs with baby chick/duck inside and I stopped eating eggs. I stopped eating fishballs because I realised they are fish (slow, yes). I stopped eating “fu zok” cos I found insects inside. So many things to add to the list…

At one point, I think I didn’t eat anything except for tofu and mushroom. It’s really a miracle how my mum managed to feed me! She used to say that it’s a good thing that I didn’t grow sick of milk and tofu >.< For that, I’m really thankful to my mum (: It must be so tough and worrying. She must have wanted to give up and throw in the towel but she didn’t. She ‘invented’ so many new dishes for me ❤ Really thankful for my mummy (: Am going to talk to her about my picky habits later tonight so we can laugh about it. Hehe.

I’m picky but so much better now. Plus I can eat the same thing over and over and over again without getting bored. So, that’s a plus(:

So people, if you think your kid is a picky eater, just look at me and breathe a sigh of relief. FIGHTING!

Devotion 13/06/2015

I have been reading Our Daily Bread and using “The Holy Bible” application (highly recommended) to starts plans. I particularly like Rick Warren’s because they are not overly preachy and helps to relate to daily life.

ANYWAYS! Sometimes, I find meaningful words/verses/phrases and I do a screenshot of them. But somehow, an idea struck me today and I thought, “Why not just do a weekly Sunday thing?” Just in case the phone dies and the screenshots disappeared *choy!*

the week just kind of flew by. now is for the agonizing wait. thank you for the wisdom and for being there with me. it shall be done! time to answer the calling that I’ve put on hold since forever.

I learned that when I click on the words, “Devotional Content” in the app, it actually brings up the writings ;p I didn’t know and thought the plans consist of only verses! Haha. Mum found a job. The new company didn’t give her a copy of the contract (again)! Wonder if this is a common practice in the cleaning industry? This new job is a little further away from home and requires her to work on alternate Saturday. Ah…breaks my heart that she has to work (even though she wants to). Sigh. Mummy, fighting! Huishan, fighting!

Coming week will be tough. Especially Monday. I pray for positivity, perseverance, strength and most importantly, wisdom!

Resentment comes from looking at others; contentment comes from looking at God.
– ODB, 13 June 2015

Dear Lord, help me not to become weary of doing good today. – ODB, 12 June 2015

Don’t fear, because I am with you. Don’t be afraid, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you, I will surely help you, I will hold you with my righteous strong hand.
– Isaiah 41:10

God never promises us a trouble-free life but He does promise us His presence and the strength (mental, physical and emotional) we require to go through our troubles.

No matter what you are going through, it’s no surprise to God.
He’s not unsure of what’s around the corner or unprepared for whatever you are going through.
Put your trust in Him and be confident in His plans for your life.
– Trusting God Day by Day by Joyce Meyer

The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still. – Exodus 14:14

The light shines in the darkness; and the darkness doesn’t extinguish the light. – John 1:5

Lord, we don’t dare trust in our own strength to do our tasks today.
You are the Giver of our talents and oppurtunities.
Help us use them not for our own advancement, but to help others.
– ODB, 9 June 2015

Jesus take the wheel (of my life) and help me do good and rely on your to get through life (: Your plan for me is good!

them dinosaurs.

After n years of waiting, Jurassic World is out! 😀 While I need to find some time to go watch the movie, I am re-watching Jurassic Park.

It’s been 22 years since the first movie! Can you believe it? I still remember watching the movie with the tuition teacher, my mum and my siblings at AMK. Right now, I have an image of 5 year old me sitting in the cinema watching the movie (though that can be from when I was watching The Lost World with my dad + family).

After watching the movies (both 1 and 2), I remember asking my mum to stand outside the washroom while I bathe. I will spend minutes standing at my kitchen window, staring at the CBD skyline, making sure that no dinosaurs are coming towards us. I was so sure they will. I will stare at the buckets of water in the bathroom when I bathe to make sure that there’s no ‘ripples’. Hahaha.

Maybe cos I watched the movie when J was way too young..I’m afraid of dinosaurs. Even now. They feature largely in my nightmares where I am trying to get my family out and keep them safe. Even now, watching Jurassic Park is a teeny weeny like a lukewarm horror movie for me :p

I can’t wait to find sometime to go catch the latest movie! Probably alone since my mum has decided to abandon me at the last minute T_T