Letter from 2012 (:

Hey there!

How was year 25? Quarter of a century old. That’s really putting things into perspective, isn’t it?

I guess that partly explains why you were rather unhappy in year 24. Quarter life crisis anyone? And you are writing this with a really jaded feeling.

Birthday celebration was rather awesome isn’t it? You have wonderful colleagues, really! Elmos, Polaroid camera, Wonder Shrimps (are they still alive?!) and that very expensive rainbow cake! Isn’t it nice that everyone went out of their way to delight you? To take care of you? Sometimes, I don’t know why you are so unhappy there.

I know you had some doubts about work. You contemplated it for many months. What is the conclusion? Did you stay? Or are you at a different place now? Happier? Less jaded? I’ve left. So glad that I wrote this down last year. It was a well thought out decision then (:

How’s the family? Is Ah Yong finally done with NS? (: Dajie still working? Yes, Ah Yong is done is with NS. He is taking some time to find his direction though. Dajie is still working and she bought a car!

Are the parents okay? Grams? Grams had a little accident last week. But all’s good! 

What’s the one thing that you are proudest of this past year?

Are you attached?

Did you go to Taiwan? Or Japan? How about Korea during Autumn? No:(

Meimei, not getting any younger. If you are still doing the same thing and yet not feeling happier, please do something about it. Take a break, find yourself again! Remember how jovial you used to be? Yes, I am partly writing this because I hate who I am now. Negative. Negative. Negative. Do something about it!!

Most importantly, remember to thank God for looking after your family and you.

Cheers to a happier 26 right? HWAITING!!

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