a interesting walk home.

Wednesday has been nothing but…weird.

But I have to describe the journey home. It felt like I am in a book or something.

1. the guy on the train

So the girls and I took the train home. Surprisingly, the train was rather empty and there’s this guy standing in front of us who was kinda cute. Boyish, wearing a shirt with a Ralph Lauren vest/cardigan-ish on top.

I kept stealing glances at him not just because I think he is cute. But because he looked FAMILIAR. Like VERY!

It was until I got home that I realised that I DREAMT ABOUT THAT GUY THE NIGHT BEFORE! Cheesy right? But it’s true!


2. The flash of ‘light’

I was walking home when I saw this flash of light zoomed above me. Kinda like those Batman light feel?

I looked around and realised something was wrong. Walked quickly away. Eeeps.

3. The snail

I was so freaked out that I was texting Mabel. So engrossed in texting that I didn’t see a snail 😦


The echo. The poor snail 😦

I quickly turned around and apologised. I saw something like bubbles too 😦


4. The black cat

Superstitious but a black cat crossed my path just before I was about to reach home. So I turned around and did a detour.

5. The pigeon

On my way to the lift, I saw this pigeon at the corridor. So I stopped and talked to it (yes, I have a habit of talking to animals/insects).

I went, “Ohdear! What are you doing here, pigeon? Are you stuck? You can’t fly right?” And at that point, the pigeon shook it’s head! So coincidental!

I wanted to help it! But I don’t know how 😦 So I just said goodbye to it.

It was a weird journey home alright. I am tired. Please let Thursday pass by smoothly!!

P/S: Thank you, colleagues and Mabel + Sivan (: For making me laugh.

Maybank SMILE Campaign (:

You know I am not the kind of person who will “sell koyok” or write about work-related stuff here. But, this time, I am going to make an exception 😛

While brainstorming about upcoming service campaigns, I came up with an idea. I didn’t really want to say it out because I thought it was too random and it won’t be taken up.

BUT! Somehow or another, I did say it out and GUESS WHAT?! The idea was employed! (: Wheeee~ *claps and dances* After some team effort, it’s finally time for us to try and delight the customers! Or at least try to (:

The idea: If you know me, you know that I am the kind of person who will randomly buy stuff and give it to you! There’s no need for reason. As long as I think it’s something you’ll like/need/make your day, I’ll get it (: So, I took this idea and TADA!

Basically, on selected day of selected months, Maybank customers will get a small surprise when they visit our branch!

We’ll be handing out little tokens of appreciation (: For this round, it’s Kit Kats!


..it starts with the Maybank SMILE!

I know it’s nothing much but I guess, it’s just our small way of saying thanks to our customers for many many things! Like making our day, being nice to us and giving us ‘strength’ to provide even better service etc etc!

P/S: The hand in the picture is mine! Self-shot some more! 😛

ANYWAYS! I’m quite excited about this and I hope it works out (:

Nothing like seeing your own efforts coming alive! Nothing like having the support of your colleagues and boss (: Heeeeeeeee~

Yes, yes! (: I hope everything turns out well!


i’ve said this from the very start.

From the moment I got employed in June, I told the sister, “If we are going to bring the family (more importantly, the brother) to Taiwan in April 2011, we have to start saving NOW!”

Her reply was, “Aiya. I am very tired now. Taiwan very cheap one. No need.” FINE.

Two months later in August, I asked again, “Eh..We are really going to Taiwan right? If we don’t bring the parents, I think we can more or less pull through. Can start saving abit abit NOW!”

Her reply was,”I am very stress about exams. Let’s not talk about it now.” FINE.

A month later, she told me, “Eh..Ah Pa sems like he really wants to go eh. I’ve sorta invited him along.”

My answer, “Wah lao eh! You never plan anything then now want to bring the whole family. Okok, we start NOW!”

Last month, she suddenly announced, “OH! I am going to Taiwan for some music exchange!” I asked if it was sponsored and she said she can’t wait for that. I asked if she had money. She said she is going to borrow (think EasiCash). WTF.

Just this Monday, I asked when she can take leave in April, she texted me, “My cash flow very weak till Feb. How ah? Need to plan budget in advance.”


Then when I was about to ‘retire’ for the night on Wednesday, she told me, “Eh. I might not be working in January and March. And we need about 6K for Taiwan. Not enough lah.”

WTF. No work = No cash. No cash = No savings.

WAH LAO EH! If you already know that you are not going to work in Jan/March then you should have started saving since..hmm..I don’t know! Like 6 months ago?!

And if you know you have a big family expenditure coming up, you should have NOT gone on that stupid Taiwan trip.

Plus, she sounded like she wanted to cancel the whole idea. I made a promise to my brother and I plan to keep it.


I shouldn’t have told her that I can utilise the 20% that I’ve been saving every month since 6 months ago. I shouldn’t have. I mean, those are supposed to be my EMERGENCY fund lor! URGH.

I swear. If she can’t pull her weight in April, I am just going to bring the parents and brother and GO. She can stay and rot in the house.

I am so tired of always being the “practical” one. TIRED. i am just disappointed.

Here we go, Year 23! *fingers crossed*

And so I spent the birthday sleeping at home (: I don’t care if you think that’s very no life! I love it (:

Anyway, I was bugging the parents to take a photo with me and then POOF! The dad came out in his church wear (shirt + pants) in 5 mins. That prompted the mum to go change and put on make up too! o.O HAHAHAH! And there I was in my sleep wear (:

Parents. You’ve got to love them 😛 Here’s the shot –


flowers from mum and cake from dad (:

And I’ve checked a few of my “I-Want” off my list (: Thanks to the colleagues and boss!


lunch bag from the boss (:


digital photoframe from the colleagues(:

And there’s my first branded item(:



The brother (who is very into birth stones) bought me a turquoise stone. I am not an accessory kind of girl but he asked me to wear it for the photo. Don’t you think I look like a witch?


salem witch?

The sister came home from Taiwan and got me all these cute things (: Likes!


elmo and that pink bear from toy story! (:

There’s that really pretty cake from the colleagues too! From the icing room!



Of course, the wishes from everyone on Facebook and the calls from Jerold and Sivan (: Thank you, everyone!

As always, I am always scared when I turn a year older because silly as it is..I think luck changes every year. 21 was not so good, 22 was peaceful. I hope 23 will learn from 22 though! *fingers crossed*

But whatever it is, thank you everyone! (:

23, HERE WE GO! *holds on tight*






Looking back at year 22.

The year of 22 was about moving on and maybe growing up. It was about packing up and cleaning up the wreckage of myself.

For the most part of year 22, I was unemployed. I had plenty of me-time, plenty of family time and plenty of friend time.

At some point in time, just like that. I snapped out of the ‘trance’ that I was in. I stopped talking to people who were bad for me. I stopped making excuses for them. And…that’s it.

Of course, I got a job towards the 2nd half of year 22. Colleagues are like family (: Some left but I hope we keep in touch! Picked up Korean too (:

Had the worse outbreak (still having) in my entire life. Ladies and gentlemen, at the age of 22, my face has finally decided to enter into the stage of puberty.

Of course, the best gift yet. I’ve got my FIRST bonus (: Not much but it’s my FIRST bonus!

Here’s saying goodbye to year 22! Thank you for being such a peaceful. Year 23, HWAITING! (:


too much photoshop.

While stuck behind a Jaguar in my colleague’s car, I said –

The Jaguar logo needs to be shifted up a bit.

That’s not all! My colleague actually understood what I was saying because she has also been staring at Photoshop for the most part of the day!

This is baaaaaaaddddd!

But maybe like what the other colleague (CP) said, “You see, they want to portray that the Jaguar is just leaping..So cannot be too centralised.”


se7en in GIF (:

Before I write about se7en at the Singtel-Samsung Music meets Fashion show, here’s some GIF image (:

Was ‘inspired’ while looking at SHINee’s tumblr page 😛 Do remember to take out with full credits. More photos at my Facebook that I will post soon!

*click for GIF to move*