Devotion 29/11/2015

Sometimes, I find meaningful words/verses/phrases and I do a screenshot of them. But somehow, an idea struck me today and I thought, “Why not just do a weekly Sunday thing?” Just in case the phone dies and the screenshots disappeared *choy!*

And so the flyoff period begins! HURRAY! (: I plan to spend the first week catching up with friends and running errands. After which, hibernation – read, eat, sleep and write (maybe).

Had the chance to ‘set’ the words for spelling this week. Deciding on the words – easy. Coming with a passage for the words – difficult. But I’ve still got it in me ;p Managed to write 6 passages in a day *pats self on the back*

Will be teaching a P2 class again next year. Not their form teacher though 😦 a little disappointed but it’s okay! I’ll be spending most of my time with them either way. Was a little hurt when I realised my efforts this year was not recognised – everyone thinks that I didn’t teach and didn’t do any form teacher’s duties. But the truth is…the opposite. The adjunct teacher was pulled away for relief teaching so often that…Ah well.

*breathes* but it’s okay (: My kids appreciated my efforts and lessons. The parents too (: That’s what matters the most. I surrender this hurt and grievance to God. He knows what is best for me and what to do.

I hope to take the time this period being thankful for everything that God has given me (: Looking forward to a restful, graceful week ahead! Amen.

Dear Lord, help me to be more concerned with the reflection of my heart than with my physical reflection. Change me through the power of Your Spirit. When we look into the mirror of God’s Word, we see ourselves more clearly. – ODB, 28 November 2015

Throw all your anxiety onto him, because he cares about you. – 1 Peter 5:7

Heavenly Father, I humble myself before You. I can’t solve my problem on my own. Please help me to seek Your help and perspective. God helps those who know they are helpless. – 27 November 2015

God, I invite You to work through me. I choose to lay down selfishness and pick up love so that I can be used by You to change the world. –  Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

Lord, Your goodness is enough to make me thankful everyday. Teach me to live with a thankful heart and remind me to regularly thank You for Your goodness and steadfast love. It is only with gratitude that life becomes rich. Dietrich Bonhoeffer – ODB, 26 November 2015

Try going to bed at night pondering everything you have to be thankful for. Let it be the first thing you do in the morning. Thank God for the ‘little’ things  you might normally take for granted. Don’t get discouraged when you fail. Keep at it until you have developed new habits and you are living with an attitude of gratitude. God, I want to live with an attitude of gratitude, starting right now! I thank you so much for loving me and for blessing me. Help me see the positive things in life and thank You for them. – Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

And now, our God, we thank you and praise your glorious name. – 1 Chronicles 29:13

I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever. – John 14:16

I want to encourage you to not only pray, but to pray persistently. Don’t stress out trying to make things happen on your own. Give it all to God as your pray. Godremind me to bring my problems to You. I’m tired of living in my own strength. I need Your guidance and Your direction, As I seek You daily, I will put my trust in You. – Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

Lord, sometimes it’s so hard to wait patiently for good things. Forgive us for comparing ourselves to others and for complaining about what we don’t have. Help us meet You in a new way today. Jesus is the only friend who never disappoints. – ODB, 24 November 2015

When dealing with your past, remember that God loves you deeply. Lord, I believe You can help me overcome the hurt and pain of my past and use my healing to help others. Help me to experience the love of Christ and make me complete with all the fullness of Your life and power.  – Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

Father, today may Your spirit remind us to seek the quiet so that we may listen first to Your voice and then understand the hearts of others. Teach us when to speak and when to be quiet. Well-timed silence can be more eloquent than words. – ODB, 23 November 2015

The next time you’re wrestling in your mind, I want you to stop and find something specific that you can thank God for. Tell Him how grateful you are for His goodness and all the rich ways He’s blessed your life. As you’re diligent to do this, you will see your life begin to change and things will get better. God, I want to experience Your power in my thought life. I choose to focus on Your goodness and Your love for me. No matter what negative thought comes my way, I know that You are so much bigger and better. – Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

Enter his gates with thanks, enter his courtyards with praise! Thank him! Bless his name! – Psalms 100:4

By faith, I receive You grace. Amen!

Devotion 22/11/2015

Sometimes, I find meaningful words/verses/phrases and I do a screenshot of them. But somehow, an idea struck me today and I thought, “Why not just do a weekly Sunday thing?” Just in case the phone dies and the screenshots disappeared *choy!*

Last week of school for the kids are over just like that. It’s been so hectic that I don’t even have time to feel sad. But when I told the class on Tuesday that my last lessons with them is on Wednesday, I think there was collective sadness. My photos for them came in time and instead of buying them ice cream, I bought them fries. I’ll miss you, 2Care. My first form class. Though it was only 2.5 months, we have grown closed and I’ve seen the class become united (: *thankful*

With that said, after sending the kids off on Thursday, this unbelievable sense of tiredness hit me (part of it due to my flu). In my head, there’s just one thought, “I did it. I don’t want to teach for the next month or so.” Hahaha! One more week to go before the fly-off period begins and I can begin my hibernation! In need of some intensive me-time. FIGHTING!

Coming week will be fulled of meetings and seminars. I ask for loads of energy, focus and grace and favour to guide me through the week. Let’s go! Amen!

I thank You, Lord, that though my heart can grow cold at times, when I remember You, I’m encouraged yet again. Thank You for Your love for me, for Your mercy and Your sacrifice. Praise comes naturally when you count your blessings. – ODB, 15 November 2015

Thank You, Father, that I don’t have to walk my life’s journey alone. You are near. We can go a lot further together than we can alone. – ODB, 16 November 2015

I’m determined to finish God’s call for me and enjoy every minute of it! It’s up to us to keep learning, growing and letting the Spirit of God work in us. God, like Jesus, I want to be able to say that I have completed the work You have for me. Thank You for working in me to give me the power and desire to live for Your pleasure and finish my course with joy! –  Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

I have glorified you on earth by finishing the work you gave me to do. – John 17:4

1st John 4:18 teaches us that understanding God’s love for us will deliver us from our fears. Now, this doesn’t mean we won’t ever feel fear, but faith in God and His love will enable us to “do it afraid” if we have to. He will lead and guide you, so you can put your confidence and faith in Him. God, only Your love can cast out my fear, so I put my faith in You. I know that Your presence is with me and that You will lead me through any fearful situation I face. I receive Your love. – Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

Teach us, Lord, what it is to reflect Your light, especially when life’s demand can tempt us to live selfishly. Help us today to live in Your love. -ODB, 18 November 2015

Lord, Your Word says that a cheerful heart is a good medicine. Thank You for helping me to find the joy and fun in life! – Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

Whether you know it or not, someone is watching or looking up to you. People are influenced by the way you live and they need see God’s love in your everyday actions. God, every day there is another opportunity that You have given me to reach out, bless and influence someone else with Your love. I want to live a life of blessing towards others, showing them what it means to live a God-focused life. – Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

So then, let’s work for the good of all whenever we have an opportunity, and especially for those in the household of faith. – Galatians 6:10

Dear Lord, no matter what others may say or do, give me the courage to be faithful to You today. Keep following Jesus. – ODB, 20 November 2015

God, I believe that You love me and that You have given me the power to overcome. As Your child, I will act on the faith You have given me every day, trusting in You and overcoming any obstacle that comes my way. – Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

Dear Lord, when I feel discouraged, help me to keep pressing on, looking ahead to when I will be with You forever. – ODB, 21 November 2015

Lord, I know that my mouth is a powerful tool that can be used for You or for the enemy. I submit my mouth to You. Show me how to speak Your truth into my life and into the lives of others. – Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

For those who want to love life and see good days should keep their tongue from evil speaking and their lips from speaking lies. – 1 Peter 3:10

But you, Lord, are my shield! You are my glory You are the one who restores me. – Psalms 3:3


Devotion 15/11/2015

Sometimes, I find meaningful words/verses/phrases and I do a screenshot of them. But somehow, an idea struck me today and I thought, “Why not just do a weekly Sunday thing?” Just in case the phone dies and the screenshots disappeared *choy!*

This week just zoomed passed. Luckily for the PH on Tuesday. It made having to work on a Saturday felt normal (and tolerable). Next week seems to be madness. Suspended timetable (yayy! more time with my kids) and loads of meeting after school. And with only one day of ‘rest’ (barely cos I need to work out my finances, clean my room and be the parents’ secretary), I hope I can pull through. Please give me loads of energy, Lord.

Oh yeah. Something traumatising happened on Monday – P5 students were defiant and rude. For the first time, I actually felt scared and threatened. It’s all resolved now (I hope so). But like what Mdm N said, next time never approach them when they are in a group – power in numbers. Lesson learnt. In other news, my kids are as cute as ever. I got a red pen, my quiet kids started talking to me, my 3 musketeers are showing me their drawings and 3 girls drew me a card, threw it on the table and run away *melts* I’ll miss my class.

Colleagues are really nice too. Talking to them really helps to bring my understanding and experience to another level. Thank you to the colleagues and to God (:

Here’s to a fruitful and grace-filled week ahead! AMEN!

God, I know that life won’t always go the way I want it to, but I trust in You. By faith, I receive Your grace, the power You have freely given to help me walk through any situation I face today. – Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

Because of the grace that God gave me, I can say to each one of you: don’t think of yourself more highly than you ought to think. Instead, be reasonable since God has measured out a portion to each one of you. – Romans 12:3

Father, help me to seek Your light to guide me through the storms of life. – ODB, 9 November 2015

Lord, we tend to react defensively when people shun us or attack us for our faith. Give us Your courage to offer wise and gentle response when we are mistreated. – ODB, 10 November 2015

Dear Father, I want to have an intimate relationship with You. I invite You to be part of my entire day – from the time I awake until I go to sleep. Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. Isaiah 40:31 – ODB, 11 November 2015

God, I believe that You are at work in my life, even during difficult times. I choose today to remain steadgast and to never give up in obedience to You. – Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

By Your grace, Lord, help me to live peaceably with others. And help me to recognize when I’m the difficult person in other people’s lives and need Your intervention. Give me the will and desire to change. Peace can come if we respond with a gentle answer. – 12 November 2015

God’s commands can overpower Satan’s suggestions. – 13 November 2015

…God doesn’t want us living on the edge, because if we’re living on the edge, then we have no margin for error…When we have boundaries, borders and margins, we feel much better and experience God’s peace. The key is to go to God’s Word, where He has laid out all the boundaries we need to live by. Let God direct your path every day. God, I recognise the need for boundaries in my life. As I read Your Word, show me how to apply Your healthy boundaries in my life today. – Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

Lord, show me the unsustainable area of my life. I submit them to You. Lead me into Your rest and peace today, so I can enjoy my life and serve You for years to come. – Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

God, sometimes it’s hard for me to slow down and say no more responsibility. Help me to live with the balance of responsibility You created for me, so I can live with Your peace and enjoy life. – Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

Lord Jesus, we know that You can speak the words of eternal life and healing to people in great need. We bring them to You in prayer today. Praying for others is a privilege – and a responsibility. – ODB, 8 November 2015


Devotion 08/11/2015

Sometimes, I find meaningful words/verses/phrases and I do a screenshot of them. But somehow, an idea struck me today and I thought, “Why not just do a weekly Sunday thing?” Just in case the phone dies and the screenshots disappeared *choy!*

2 more weeks before the kids go for their holidays. 3 more before I start mine. Is it strange that I think I will miss my kids when they move on to P3? I am also feeling sad that I might not have a form class next year 😦 The bond you have with your form class is precious. Comparing my form class with my P5 English class, the difference in bond is obvious. Ah well. One step at a time (:

Managed to take a class photo with my kids (: They are super cooperative! And 2 relief teachers said they were well-behaved (of course, I just lectured them in the morning). Also felt like a protective mama when something happened. One of my 3 musketeers actually cried when I asked him why misbehaved because he knew that he has disappointed me. I LOVE MY KIDS. Thank you, God for putting me here ❤

With that said, I’ve been having some deja-vu these days. Not as clear as they used to be but yeah. Just had one when I’m typing this. Hmm.

I’ve finished the 1-year plan for Joseph Prince and have started on the 1-year plan for Joyce Meyer. Joyce Meyer is awesome. It will be another fruitful year of reading and learning about God. Oh, her prayers are awesome too!

Crazy week ahead with Contact Time, P6 Graduation Night, P1 Orientation coming up but I’m sure it will be fruitful and filled with learning chances. Here’s to another grace-filled week ahead. Amen!

Dear Lord, thank You for Your Word that teaches me how to love You and others. Thank You also for the people You’ve placed in my life to remind me of Your truth. – ODB, 2 November 2015

Remind us today, Lord, that You are in the dull and ordinary tasks of life in a most extraordinary way. Let us not forget that we do even the smallest tasks for You. A willing spirit changes the drudgery of duty into a labour of love. – ODB, 3 November 2015

Father, help me shun anything that distracts me from You, so that I may always find enjoyment in who You are and in Your plan for me. God loves every one of us as if there were but one of us to love. Augustine – ODB, 4 November 2015

Father, thank You for making Your home in my heart. I need Your presence today, Lord. Help me to honor You with my thoughts and words and to be a blessing to those around me. – Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

Loving God, forgive me for my outbursts of anger. Today, I choose to lay down my sinful anger and accept Your mercy and grace. Thank You for forgiveness and for truth that leads to wisdom. Grace: Getting what we don’t deserve. Mercy: Not getting what we do deserve. – ODB, 5 November 2015

Learn to enjoy where you are on the way to where you’re going. When you have a dream or a vision, you have to keep it in front of you. And remember, God will help you live the dream He’s given you, step-by-step, one day at a time. Jesus, even though I don’t always feel like it and life tries to get me to quit, I believe You have a great plan for my life. I choose to trust You to help me live the dream You’ve given me more than I trust my circumstances. – Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

All God wants from us is to follow His plans. He will sort out the rest. In His might hands, you can be a blessing to others. – ODB, 6 November 2015

God, I realize temptation is a part of life. Help me not to be caught off guard or surprised when it comes. Thank You for the wisdom and grace to overcome any and all temptations and to live in Your victory. – Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

God, I want my love for You to be reflected in the way I show love for others. Show me ways to demonstrate love to anyone and everyone that You bring across my path. – Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

Now go; I will help you speak and teach you what to say (Exodus 4:12)

Devotion 01/11/2015

Sometimes, I find meaningful words/verses/phrases and I do a screenshot of them. But somehow, an idea struck me today and I thought, “Why not just do a weekly Sunday thing?” Just in case the phone dies and the screenshots disappeared *choy!*

And…November is here. This year sure zoomed passed!

The past week has been blessed. I’m mad exhausted though. Wanted to catch a movie on Friday but by the time I reached home, I was knocked out flat. I can barely remember what happened last week – loads of revision, photocopying and marking I think. 벌써 the term is about to come to an end. I think I am going to miss my kids! When I told them that I am their form teacher, they cheered and shouted, “Miss Wu passed her exams, Miss Wu passed her exams!”. That made me smiled! Not true though cos no observation was done. But, ain’t my class sweet? Thank you, God for giving them to me.

Coming week will be another rush – checking of papers with the kids, keying in of results and some other form teacher’s duties. No one teaches you how to be a form teacher but my colleagues have helped me plenty along the way. Phew. 고마워! I’m also planning to try and sneak an unofficial class photo with my kids. Need to work that out on Monday. If it happens, I will be able to print them out and write a message to each of my kids as a farewell gift. Fingers crossed!

May the coming week be blessed-filled, grace-filled and fruitful! Amen!

The apostle Paul tells us that love must be the underlying motive in anything we do; in everything we do (1 Cor 13:1-4). Let’s not miss the next chance to show love. Love beats lectures every time. – ODB, 27 October 2015

Jesus told his followers, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:21). Lord, open our eyes to see You and to see what is most important each day. – ODB, 28 October 2015

You suffered along with those in prison and joyfully accepted the confiscation of your property, because you knew that you yourselves had better and lasting possessions. – Hebrews 10:34

Lord, give me the ability to hear not just Your words but also Your heart. Help me to learn from mistakes of those stories You have given us. Help me to honour You with my life. God’s warnings are to protect us, not to punish us. – ODB, 29 October 2015

While we may not understand why God allows trials to enter our lives, we thank Him that through them we can come to know who He is. Lord, I know I don’t need to fear the storms of life around me. Help me to be calm because I stand secure in You. – ODB, 30 October 2015

The Lord is my solid rock, my fortress, my rescuer. My God is my rock – I take refuge in him! – he’s my shield, my salvation’s strength, my place of safety. – Psalms 18:2