Devotion 31/05/2015

I have been reading Our Daily Bread and using “The Holy Bible” application (highly recommended) to starts plans. I particularly like Rick Warren’s because they are not overly preachy and helps to relate to daily life.

ANYWAYS! Sometimes, I find meaningful words/verses/phrases and I do a screenshot of them. But somehow, an idea struck me today and I thought, “Why not just do a weekly Sunday thing?” Just in case the phone dies and the screenshots disappeared *choy!*

It came! God provided the opportunity (: Waiting for more information to come so I can start prepping.

Fire evacuation exercise was on Friday. The first and only time I took part (since starting work) and it has to be the highest floor I’ve ever been in o.o My calves are aching. Heh.

Short week ahead. Nonetheless, I pray for strength, positivity, perseverance and wisdom (:

Don’t fear, because I am with you; don’t be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will surely help you; I will hold you with my righteous strong hand. – Isaiah 41:10

Father, help me to trust you even when I don’t understand why things happen as they do. Please comfort my heart and remind me of Your goodness and love.

If you know that God’s hands is in everything, you can leave everything in God’s hands.
– ODB, 29 May 2015

Music has the power to lift our spirits. When we’re discouraged, we can sing songs that lift our eyes from the circumstances to see the presence of the Lord. – ODB, 25 May 2015

It is how we respond during trials – with faith in God’s love for us – that makes us strong. – Joseph Prince’s Devotional, Day 206

Jesus take the wheel (of my life) and help me do good and focus on you (:

My parents are coming home today from their short trip. YAYYY!

Devotion 24/05/2015

I have been reading Our Daily Bread and using “The Holy Bible” application (highly recommended) to starts plans. I particularly like Rick Warren’s because they are not overly preachy and helps to relate to daily life.

ANYWAYS! Sometimes, I find meaning words/verses/phrases and I do a screenshot of them. But somehow, an idea struck me today and I thought, “Why not just do a weekly Sunday thing?” Just in case the phone dies and the screenshots disappeared *choy!*

I was sandwiched this week. And that might have opened a can of worms. But it was a situation that was bound to happen. Just keep swimming, keep swimming. At times like this, a huge amount of me-time is what I did but I dont have the luxury this weekend. Sigh.

I ask for patience and wisdom this coming week. To say and do the right things.

Christ is both the power and wisdom of us. As the power of God, He removes obstacles in our paths. As the wisdom of God, He continually directs our path.
– Joseph Prince’s Devotional, Day 197

(This is essentially what I believe in. God helps us achieve things through wisdom. For example, if we are saving a car. God will not just give us the money. He will instead give us the perseverance and strength to work etc)

May the God of endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude towards each other, similar to Christ Jesus’ attitude. – Romans 15:5

Dear Lord. life is hard sometimes. I confess that I don’t always see Your purpose in my trials.
Help me to trust You, and teach me to become the person that You desire me to be.
– ODB, 10 May

From Siwon’s instagram (he seem to be going through some tough times and his verses works for me to)

God has a plan great plan for your life. Trust Him.

Remember me, Lord, when you show favour to your people, come to my aid when you save them, that I may enjoy prosperity of your chosen ones, that I may share in the joy of your nation and join your inheritance in giving praise. – Psalm 106:4-5

Again, continue to ask for wisdom, strength and perseverance to get through the week. It will be tough but through God, I will get through it. FIGHTING!

Devotion 17/05/2015

I have been reading Our Daily Bread and using “The Holy Bible” application (highly recommended) to starts plans. I particularly like Rick Warren’s because they are not overly preachy and helps to relate to daily life.

ANYWAYS! Sometimes, I find meaning words/verses/phrases and I do a screenshot of them. But somehow, an idea struck me today and I thought, “Why not just do a weekly Sunday thing?” Just in case the phone dies and the screenshots disappeared *choy!*

Have the 100-day cough again. Meh. Even though I was on MC for a day this week, it felt like a really looooonnnng one. I chicken-ed out of talking about how I really felt. Typing it out and hoping I will push forward with it. I don’t know.

I am still waiting for that call of my life!

We are experiencing all kinds of trouble, but we aren’t crushed.
We are confused, but we aren’t depressed.
We are harassed, but we aren’t abandoned.
We are knocked down, but we aren’t knocked out.

2 Corinthians 4:8-9

Our words carry power. The devils is happy when you use the power of your words against yourself and your loved ones. So instead of saying, “I am always short of money,” say, “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” (Psalm 23:1) Instead of saying, “I am so useless. I can’t do anything,” start saying, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13)

– Joseph Prince’s Devotional,  Day 191

Lord, You showed the ultimate kindness by rescuing us when we were helpless in our sins.
May our lives be marked by kindness so that others will see You in us.

-ODB, 12 May 2015

Ever notice that the bible verses are really just stories that tells and encourages you to be positive, to be strong, to be kind etc? And I think that’s what Christianity is about. Yes, it’s about the good work of God too but ultimately, it gives you a reason to be positive, strong, kind etc.

My approach to religion is one mixed with Christianity (:

Continue to ask for wisdom, strength and perseverance to get through the week. It shall be done.The call will come.

i miss teaching.

Was clearing my stuff when I found test papers I printed for my 2 tuition kids last year (:

I remembered having a 4 hour tuition session with my P3 kid – Hannah before her mid-years. Because she was a non-native speaker, I was so worried for her. She has a great grasp of the Chinese language but when faced with a paper filled with Chinese characters, her concentration can be a bit short. Which is normal! Because if you ask me to do a paper filled with Korean characters, I switch off after about the first paragraph or so ;p

4 hours! I was worried about how we will get through the session without making her frustrated and grow tired of Chinese (which will be vvv bad for her paper the next day). So I brought along this –

eat in case of emergency(:

I have this box of chocolate from Jie En in my office for the longest time and I had the note stuck on it to remind myself and my boss/Jun who sat next to me to offer me one when I am particularly stress out. So I brought this box along with the note intact.

At the start of the session, I told Hannah, “We have a 4 hour session today *makes horrified face* but don’t worry, I have this.” And I took out the box and showed it to her. She started giggling and I continued in a serious tone, “Yes. When we are running low on energy, we will eat this.”

“So running low on energy is an emergency?”

“Don’t you think it is? We need energy to make sure we are prepared for the paper tmr!”

I told her where the chocolate came from and how my boss will give it to me when I am stress. And that caught her attention (: Cos if it’s just a normal box of chocolate, it’s not interesting. She has those in the fridge. But because there’s a story behind these chocolates, she believed in it.

So the session started and we did much better than before. SO PROUD OF HER! We did break into the emergency supply at the 3rd hour. Before I left, I gave her 2 more chocolates and told her to keep it, just in case.

I had to stop teaching her after about 3 months because time didn’t permit. But it was really a joy teaching her (: She was so full of imagination so for the difficult words, I just need to come up with a story for them and she will remember how to write them.

Ahhhh. If only I can teach again~

Devotion 10/05/2015

I have been reading Our Daily Bread and using “The Holy Bible” application (highly recommended) to starts plans. I particularly like Rick Warren’s because they are not overly preachy and helps to relate to daily life.

ANYWAYS! Sometimes, I find meaning words/verses/phrases and I do a screenshot of them. But somehow, an idea struck me today and I thought, “Why not just do a weekly Sunday thing?” Just in case the phone dies and the screenshots disappeared *choy!*

Tough week. Seems like working from home is a for show policy after all. Got sick on Tuesday, lost my voice on Friday. And its still have not got it back. I managed to keep it together when faced with a really meh situation *pats self on back* It’s going to be tougher ahead but I CAN DO THIS!

Losing my voice kind of reminded me of the time I lost my voice in Korea. I wonder how I got through that period on my own. Right now, I have my mum cooking for me, fussing over me. And I still feel like crap. But back then, I was alone! What did I eat?! How did I cope? And I was coughing so badly last time. Hmmm. HAHA.

I digress…I will survive this coming week! The change I am hoping for will come. Like Siwon said, “God has a better plan for us(:”

Lord, I bring to You my burdens and You know my situation.
You know I can’t make it without You.
Comfort my heart, give me strength and help me carry on.
(From Facebook)

Lord, thank You for desiring communication with me and for the reassurace that You are indeed listening and ready to help in time of need. Teach us to come to You with confidence in Your attentive love for us.
God is always accessible in our time of need.
– ODB, 29 April

Let’s do good and be the light for everyone we come in touch with. Continue to ask for wisdom, strenght and perseverance to get through the week. It shall be done.

why i like taking half day off (:

I took half-day off today to accompany my mum for her doctor’s appointment today. It kinda reminded me why I like taking half-day offs or even a full day off “just to clean my room”. It’s much more than that.

Being the OCD freak that I am, I rarely spend time out in the living room on weekends, PH or if I take a full day off just because. All these means the time I spend with my parents and siblings brother is close to zero. Sometimes, when I wake up, my brother would have went out, the parents would have slept or went to one of their CC events.

So…This is what happened today.

I dropped by NTUC Xtra at AMK Hub and finally bought myself a new bolster (and restocked some essentials) (: with a direct bus to and from work, I rarely pass by Bishan or AMK MRT anymore = no NTUC.

When I came home, I was able to intercept the package (that my mum signed for me), unwrapped it and placed it in my brother’s room as a surprise for him. I bought him a Pusheen cushion since he loves cat so much and we can’t have pets. He didn’t react much cos he was stress about his upcoming papers but I saw him sayang-ing it when he walked into his room 😀


If I didn’t come home in time, he would have guessed what the package was and I wouldn’t be able to surprise him.

And what I love so much about taking half-day off is all the random conversations that I can have with my brother and mother!

If it was any normal day, I would be sulking on the sofa, exhausted from the day’s work. But because I took half a day off, my brother after see how huge his anitbiotic pill was, exclaimed in the most drama-mama voice, “OMG. SO BIG! HOW TO EAT!”

If it was any normal day, I would have ignored him but because I took half a day off, I went, “Where? Let me see.” and walk to the kitchen to see it.

The rest of the conversation-

me: * takes a look* it’s panadol cold/extra size leh! *facepalm*

brother: hoooow. hoowwww.

me: break it into half and eat.

brother: i dont like the rough edges.

me: soak it!

brother: IT WONT BREAK! *bang bang bang*

So drama this one ;p He can’t swallow pills, by the way. Neither can my sister. Me? Being the competitive one that I was, I learned how to when I was 9. HAHAHAHA!

And because I took half-day off, I was able to prevent my mum from cooking (: Because the brother and I are both sick, she wanted to cook for us but because I was around before she took the meat out for de-frosting, I managed to desuade her from cooking.

Then I switched on the TV and tempted her to sit in front of the TV. Within 30 mins, she fell asleep (: My mum has been having insomnia for the longest time. She sleeps less than 4 hours a day, works as a cleaner AND insist on cooking for us. SUPERWOMAN THIS ONE.

She tend to fall asleep more easily in front of the TV so if I am home early (and manage to desuade her to cook), I like to pretend I am watching the TV and get her to join me. More often than not, she will fall asleep for a good hour or two. So yayy!

Then when she woke up, we had a super weird conversation when my dad brought home the 囍饼 from my cousin –

Me: I must remember to tell my future husband that Hakka do 过大礼 too and must give hongbao to grams.

Mum: Please. You don’t even have a boyfriend yet. Grams so old already.

Me: You never know ok? Maybe I find a boyfriend at the end of 2015. Then get married in Dec 2016 leh.

Mum: Okok. Approved. That’s the best!

If I didn’t take half-day off, I will be sulking or asleep. This conversation wouldn’t have occurred.

So yes, I like taking half-day off or just taking the day off to clean my room (:

And all you married people with kids, don’t judge me for always wanting to go home early. Just because I don’t have kids like you do, doesn’t mean I don’t need family time. BLEH.