Devotion 27/09/2015

Sometimes, I find meaningful words/verses/phrases and I do a screenshot of them. But somehow, an idea struck me today and I thought, “Why not just do a weekly Sunday thing?” Just in case the phone dies and the screenshots disappeared *choy!*

Another interesting week. For one thing, my 3 periods became a full day + 2 periods. Another was I strained my neck – something I hadn’t had for a while. Then there was Friday. But the most interesting of all was that I realised how much I love my kids (: So much more to learn!

I have been having weird lunch times and not eating properly though. Maybe that’s why my appetite has been kind of crappy these day. For example, I just had McDonalds and I feel like I want to puke them right out 😦 Sigh. Will be more discipline! Next week is going to be busy with KKH appointment on Tuesday and Children’s Day practice on Thursday. Need to rest up (though I am cleaning my room tomorrow – energy sapper)!

What will next week bring? I know it will be good becos God is with me (: Fruitful blessed week ahead!

Lord, transform my heart to demonstrate Your forgiveness to those who have wronged me. I release them to You and ask that You would heal the wounds I may have received from their actions. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen. – The Leadership Style of Jesus

In my times of trial, dear Lord, teach me to wait for You. But please me even more to trust the love You have for me. And as I do, may I learn Your wisdom and have the patience to endure. The setbacks of life can teach us to wait upon the Lord for His help and strength. – ODB, 24 September 2015

“..setbacks have an upside; they fuel new dreams.” Torres – ODB, 24 September 2015

This is the day the Lord has made. Rejoice and be glad. – ODB, 21 September 2015

Lord, I praise You for the group of people You have aligned who help me and support me. Without Your divine plan in bringing these people to my life, I would not be where I am. Thank You. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen. – The Leadership Style of Jesus
(Once again, thank you to the friends and family who stuck around. And to my new friends and colleagues, thank you for being there and helping me in this new journey!)

Lord, we give You our deepest grief and plan as well as our joy. Thank You for Your constant love and presence no matter what today holds for us. You alone are faithful! When we put our problems in God’s hands, He puts His peace in our hearts. – ODB, 20 September 2015

The Lord will make my way prosperous and give me good success! – Joseph Prince’s Devotional

Devotion 20/09/2015

Sometimes, I find meaningful words/verses/phrases and I do a screenshot of them. But somehow, an idea struck me today and I thought, “Why not just do a weekly Sunday thing?” Just in case the phone dies and the screenshots disappeared *choy!*

Been an interesting week with some funny incidents with the kids (: Next week is going to be challenging and more interesting as I’ll be on my own for a few lessons. FIGHTING!

My journey to do what I’ve always wanted have been enriching. Sometimes, I can feel the corporate, jaded me seeping in which is not too good. Looking at my fellow new colleague, I really need to be more positive and open (: The care and passion is there and I should just relax and let them come out. Not hold back! FIGHTING!

This quote brought me through last week – I’ll trust and not be afraid. So once again, I’ll trust and not be afraid! The coming week will be blessed and filled with grace! Amen!

God is indeed my salvation; I will trust and won’t be afraid. Yah, the Lord, is my strength and my shield; he has become my salvation. – Isaiah 12:2

Dear Father, help me to follow through on my promises to You and to all who depend on me. Especially help me to do Your will and not just talk about it. Words are the blossoms, action the fruit. – ODB, 14 September 2015
(For times when I feel like the responsibilities are crushing me.)

Heavenly Father, it is difficult to navigate life. I drift sometimes, but I will trust in You. Lead me and guide me by the faithfulness and reliability of Your Word. – ODB, 15 September 2015
(For times when we can’t see the silver lining)

Lord, although cloud and darkness sometimes shroud me, I know that You are close by my side. Thank You. God is always near in spite of our fear. – ODB, 16 September 2015

Lord, it is easy to let my circumstances change how I understand You. Help me to remember that You are good and faithful, even though I can’t see everything and may not understand how You are working. Our situation may look very different from God’s point of view. – ODB, 17 September 2015

Jesus, thank You for friends who demonstrate Your love to me. Help me to do the same for them and those around me. Most of all, thank You for being the friend who sticks closer than a brother. – 18 September 2015
(Especially true for me during the past month. For friends who has been there for me, who felt happier than I did when I got my news – thank you, thank you.)

So don’t throw away your confidence – it brings a great reward. You need to endure so that you can receive the promises after you do God’s will.  – Hebrews 10:35-36

Devotion 13/09/2015

Sometimes, I find meaningful words/verses/phrases and I do a screenshot of them. But somehow, an idea struck me today and I thought, “Why not just do a weekly Sunday thing?” Just in case the phone dies and the screenshots disappeared *choy!*

3 days of course is over just like that and 1 more day till I start doing what I’ve always wanted to do since I was 4yo. During the course, I realised how awesome my teachers were. Especially in secondary school. Almost bursting with examples and stories to share but I was rather tired from gastric, commute and cramps that I just kept quiet. But, really. I hope I can be half as good as my teachers (:

It’s kind of scary, really. Was just telling my mum that I am scared to start school. The kind of ‘scared’ that makes me want to cry. Kinda like when I was 3yo and heading to nursery. Back then I cried for 6 weeks (I really don’t think my parents were kidding). But now that I am an adult, I can’t cry, my parents can’t visit me in school anymore ;p  Why is it scary? Well, this is afterall something I wanted since I was 4yo. Achieving your dreams/ambition can be scary because what if it doesn’t turn out the way you envisioned? No, I will not let my paranoid self take over. It will be awesome *sings Lego song*

Here’s to a fruitful career and a great blessed first week (: Amen!

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in faith so that you overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. – Romans 15:13

You may not know what is going to happen this week.But one thing you can do is put on the helmet of the hope of salvation and tell yourself that you are going to have a fantastic week! Not “hope so” but “know so”! – Joseph Prince’s Devotional

Dear Heavenly Father, help me as I battle pride today. Give me a humble heart. Humility brings wisdom.
– ODB, 12 September 2015

It does not matter if you are a nobody with nothing in the natural. When the Lord is with you, you will end up with everything because He will empower you to succeed and live the abundant live. – Joseph Prince’s Devotional

My fear sometimes overwhelm me, Father. Yet I know that You are here with me. May Your perfect love cast out my fear and still my troubled heart! – ODB, 10 September 2015

the 老za-bor and the 老uncle (:

I just want to note this down and share it on my Facebook so that when this appears on my “On this day” a few years down the road, I will remember how I feel right now (:

I’m proud of my mum and dad.

My dad owned a shop and my mum had always been helping him since forever. They have never worked for anyone other than themselves. When the dad’s shop closed in the 2008, my dad went to my aunt’s shop to work. Not too much of a change for my dad.

But, my mum. A year or two after the shop closed, she went out on her own and got herself a job as a carpark cleaner at one of the buildings in the industrial park near my park. My mum who really shouldn’t be working. She was already 56 back then. Then when her company’s contract with the industrial park ended early this year, she went around asking and is now working at ITE Central as a cleaner. She’s 60 this year!

The siblings and I always thought that my mum is the resilient one. But when the aunt’s shop was sold this year, my dad did something that gave us a shock. He went and got himself a job at NTUC Fairprice! MY DAD! My 63 year old dad! The one who has never ever in his life worked for anyone but himself and relatives.

It pains me to see them still working at their age. To see them rubbing ointment on their bodies every other night. But I’m also so proud of them.

My parents never once complained about having to work at their age. I can only imagine how huge an adjustment it must be for them to “work outside” at their age. But they never once complained. Maybe they do complain to each other secretly but they never once did it in front of me. They are working because they need to support the brother through university, because they don’t want to put too huge a burden on me (or my sister). They are working because they used all their savings on the dad’s shop, on putting me through university (I didn’t take up a study loan) and now, putting my brother through university (without taking a loan). For them, working at their age is just something that needs to be done.

I’m proud of my mum and dad. Or I’m proud of the 老za-bor and the 老uncle (as my brother will call them) (:

My role models. Sometimes, I feel like such a wimp when I look at them.

Mum, dad. 2 more years and the brother will be done with school. Then, you can retire. I’m sure this is what I want to do as well, so no more unemployment periods for me too. 2 more years!

I love you and thank you for always being there for me (:

Devotion 06/09/2015

I have been reading Our Daily Bread and using “The Holy Bible” application (highly recommended) to starts plans. I particularly like Rick Warren’s because they are not overly preachy and helps to relate to daily life.

ANYWAYS! Sometimes, I find meaningful words/verses/phrases and I do a screenshot of them. But somehow, an idea struck me today and I thought, “Why not just do a weekly Sunday thing?” Just in case the phone dies and the screenshots disappeared *choy!*

3 weeks of break just zoomed past. Seems like I barely had time to take a breather but such is time. It really doesn’t wait for you after you turn 21. Got my new laptop, typing on it right now. Didn’t get it at the ASUS booth though. I thought it was the official booth but turns out -.- Didn’t squeeze out as much freebies or haggle the price as well. But hey, I got a laptop now.

Note 2 seems to be having some problem now 😦 just when I’ve discovered another new feature. Sigh. Hang in there, Note 2!

As the new week arrives, new adventures for both myself and my dad. The family will have to adjust to the new lifestyle too. May the coming week be blessed in every way possible for both myself and my family. Amen!

In the midst of your storm, Jesus wants you to know that He wants to and will help and bless you.
– Joseph Prince’s Devotional

Father, it’s so difficult for us to share our faults with each other, but You call us to wholeness as Your people. Empower us by Your Spirit to live courageously in love and honesty. – ODB, 3 September 2015

Ask God for his guidance as to how to move forward, for his wisdom in setting your priorities, and for his help in keeping your motivation in check. Remember, you dont have to be perfect.- The Lies of Busyness: Devotions from Time of Grace

God is right there with you in you valley, holding you in His arms and carrying you through the valley.
– Joseph Prince’s Devotional

There’s a time to be still and to be in God’s presence, and there’s also a time to work and get stuff done. In those times when we’re doing work, let’s approach it according to Colossians 3:23: “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for your Lord.” – The Lies of Busyness: Devotions from Time of Grace

We are experiencing all kinds of trouble, but we aren’t crushed. We are confused, but we aren’t depressed. We are harassed, but we aren’t abandoned. We are knocked down, but we aren’t knocked out. – 2 Corinthians 4:8-9

Come to me, all you who are struggling hard and carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest. – Matthew 11:28

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