Devotion 29/5/2016

Sometimes, I find meaningful words/verses/phrases and I do a screenshot of them. But somehow, an idea struck me today and I thought, “Why not just do a weekly Sunday thing?” Just in case the phone dies and the screenshots disappeared *choy!*

SCHOOL’S OUT! Well, for the kids at least. One more week to go for us teachers. With that said, I’M GOING TO NIE IN JULY (: Thank you, God! And everyone who gave me the push and supported me!

Been sick since last year. It was kind of embarrassing to be sniffling and coughing away during PCTC on Friday. I must have been disgusting. Snot and all. Probably sprayed too much perfume too! My nose was blocked so I probably put on more than necessary. Meh. I’m on the way to recovery! Just to make sure that I am fully recovered. I’m going to postpone cleaning my room (again). Heh.

No holiday plans this June. Let me hit my saving target by July, please!

Lord, please let this coming week pass by quickly and smoothly. Fill with strength, positivity and your love. Guide me in Your simple plans (: Amen.

Lord, help us learn that we do not press on toward our goal by our own effort but through prayer and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Apart from You, we can do nothing. Work in us today, we pray. God provides the power we need to persevere. – ODB, 22 May 2016

…it is not true that when we do as our Lord says, there will be no storms in our lives. Yet, because He was with them, they also learned that storms don’t stop us from getting to where our Lord wants us to go… (Mark 5:1) – ODB, 24 May 2016

Lord, when people hurt me, help me to see pass my own pain and see their pain. Help me to love and forgive like Jesus. – Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

God, Your love overwhelms me. Even when I don’t feel like it, I know that Your love never quits. You gave Your all for me, and I know beyond a shadow of doubt that You love me. – Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

Shepherd of my soul, I do wander at times. I’m grateful that You’re always seeking me to bring me back to Your side. If you want God to lead you, be willing to follow. – ODB, 26 May 2016

We must give to be happy, and giving is not true giving if it doesn’t cost us something. God, I want my giving to be meaningful. Tell me what and when You want me to give to help or just bless someone else. I want to give to others like You have given Your love to me. – Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

When we keep our mind on God, His Spirit keeps our mind at peace. – ODB, 27 May 2016

Holy Spirit, empower me to love without getting tired. Give me Your heart for the hurting and the needy and show me how to meet their needs. – Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

No discipline is fun while it lasts, but it seems painful at times. Later, however, it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness for those who have been trained by it. – Hebrews 12:11

God, my love may run out, but Yours never will. I will continue to draw on Your endless love so that I can give it out to others, without being concerned about whether they deserve it or not. – Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

Shepherd of my soul, I do wander at times. I’m grateful that You’re always seeking me to bring me back to Your side. If you want God to lead you, be willing to follow. – ODB, 26 May 2016


Devotion 22/5/2016

Sometimes, I find meaningful words/verses/phrases and I do a screenshot of them. But somehow, an idea struck me today and I thought, “Why not just do a weekly Sunday thing?” Just in case the phone dies and the screenshots disappeared *choy!*

My body is amazing. I was down with serious cold on last Sunday but I had to go to school last week. The symptoms disappeared and I even made it through Sports Day under the hot sun on Friday. Woots! Needless to say, now that I am somewhat relaxed, the symptoms are flooding back. Running nose, check. Sore throat, check. Bodyache, check. Not sure how I am going to manage cleaning the room/bedsheet in this state but hey! I have till Tuesday (:

Last week of the semester (for the kids) coming up. Madness is expected to ensue. PCTC coming up. I can sooooo do this!

Lord, please give me the strength, endurance and energy to pull through this coming week. Help me to stay positive and strong (: Amen!

Lord, we will praise You in our difficult times like the pslamist did. You know us, and we turn to You because we know You are good. – ODB, 16 May 2016

The lord is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made. – Pslam 145:9

Please give me patience, dear Lord, with myself and with others. Help me to cooperate with the Holy Spirit as He shapes my desires and helps me to grow. – ODB, 17 May 2016

It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that some people will never hurt us, only to be disappointed when they don’t live up to those standards. No one’s perfect. God, no human is perfect. I won’t give the kind of trust to people that only belongs to You. You will not disappoint. I find comfort in Your perfection. – Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

The things we think often come out of our mouths and sometimes, make us look foolish. God, I realise that my thoughts and words are connected. I don’t want to try and ‘fake’ on the outside what isn’t real inside. Please adjust my thoughts so that I can speak pleasant, godly words. – Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

Holy Spirit, strengthen me and give me the right pronouncements to ensure that I never give up. – Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

God, I don’t want to let my emotions overpower my spirit. As I spend time with You and read Your word,  give me that power I need to be led by the Spirit, not just how I feel. – Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

God, even though I might feel afraid, I believe Your Word, which say that I am more than a conqueror. I can accomplish every dream You’ve me because You love and give me the victory. – Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that some people will never hurt us, only to be disappointed when they don’t live up to those standards. No one’s perfect. God, no human is perfect. I won’t give the kind of trust to people that only belongs to You. You will not disappoint. I find comfort in Your perfection. – Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life


Devotion 15/5/2016

Sometimes, I find meaningful words/verses/phrases and I do a screenshot of them. But somehow, an idea struck me today and I thought, “Why not just do a weekly Sunday thing?” Just in case the phone dies and the screenshots disappeared *choy!*

Phew. The week’s over. Done the marking, done the keying in of marks (I hope. No more system error, please!)…The week felt super long. When Wednesday rolled around, I honestly thought it was already Thursday. Meh.

Managed to leave school at 2pm on Friday (thank you, God!) to head to town to run errands. Picked up my facial stuff, restocked my cleaning stuff, bought new shampoo and…Ben’s Cookies! OMG. Good stuff! Just don’t put them in the fridge. The good part is the gooey chocolate that’s mixed into the cookie. Yums!

Loads of house practice and sports event next week. I am so not athletic that I have no ‘PE attire’ to wear to school. I mean, I go for dance in shorts! Shorts that I wear out. But that’s not acceptable though. Meh. Will have to go in pants-rolled-up-as-3/4 then. And…WISH ME LUCK! I am so out-of-shape that it’s not even funny *fingers crossed*

Lord, this coming week, give me the strength, the courage and the energy that I need. Help me get through with positivity and let your light shine through me. Be with me this week, Lord. Guide me and lead me with your strong hands. Amen.

When we are in distress or disillusioned, we may feel abandoned bu society, family and friends, but God does not abandon us. It is a great encouragement that the Lord says, “I have engraved you on the palms of my hands” (v.16) to indicate how much He knows and protects us. Thank You, Lord that I won’t have to walk through any experience alone. – ODB, 8 May 2016

Encourage one another and build each other up. 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Lord, I know that I can trust in You when emotional trials come my way. With Jesus as my example, I say, “Not my will, but Yours be done.” You know what’s best for me and I trust You completely. – Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

God, please help me to remember Your Word when I am worried or fearful, when I need encouragement and inspiration. – ODB, 10 May 2016

God, I boldly come to You because Your Word says that I am forgiven and that I can always come to You. Thank You for Your forgiveness for my failures and Your grace that helps me in every time of need. – Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

Thank You for this new day, Lord. Forgive me for doing those things in the past that I shouldn’t have done, and for doing those things that I should have done. Set my feet on Your right path today. Each new day gives us new reasons to praise the Lord. – ODB, 11 May 2016

Whenever I feel my foot slipping, your faithful love steadies me, Lord. When my anxieties multiply, your comforting calms me down. – Psalms 94:18-19

We cannot always prevent ourselves from having opinions, but the moment we think there’s something wrong with other people because they don’t share our personal preferences, we have a problem with judging others. Don’t let harmful judgement grow in you. Instead, realize that God made everyone different and it’s okay for people to think differently. And when necessary, tell yourself, “It’s none of my business.” God, I don’t want to judge or criticize others. When I encounter people who have different opinions and personal preferences than me, please help me to see them through Your eyes and remember that my opinions aren’t more important than theirs. – Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

Don’t judge, so that you won’t be judged. – Matthew 7:1

Father, help me not to judge others today. Let me learn this until it changes me into someone more like You. – ODB, 12 May 2016

It’s important to understand that whenever we excel in any area, it is only because God has give us the gift of grace to do it. The moment we think we’ve accomplished great things in our own strength, we’re getting in to pride. Lord, only through You am I worth anything and able to accomplish anything. I release any pride that I may be holding onto, knowing that when I succeed and excel, it’s because of Your grace and goodness. – Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

Holy Spirit, I want to sow good things and reap good things. Instead of acting selfishly towards others, help me to sow kindness and love in my relationships with all of the people in my life. – Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

Lord, our circumstances can often threaten to overwhelm us. Today, help us to see You in all of life. We are learning to trust You as You do Your work. – ODB, 14 May 2016

Holy Spirit, instead of examining the lives of others, I want You to help me examine my own life. I know that with Your help, I can correct the issues I have and find the proper way to help others grow as well. – Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

God, please help me to remember Your Word when I am worried or fearful, when I need encouragement and inspiration. – ODB, 10 May 2016


Devotion 8/5/2016

Sometimes, I find meaningful words/verses/phrases and I do a screenshot of them. But somehow, an idea struck me today and I thought, “Why not just do a weekly Sunday thing?” Just in case the phone dies and the screenshots disappeared *choy!*

I am in one of those moods again. Mood swings, OCD, exhaustion, need of personal space and generally, going through the motions. Could be because of PMS, could be because I am burnt out, could be because of recent events that got me jaded. Sigh. This too shall pass!

With that said, I really do want to just curl up in my room and hide from the rest of the world. My cramps are out-of-this-world. Been in bed the entire day with my blanket/pillow/bolster covering the tums to keep it warm. Meh.

Better not say anymore. Afterall, if you have nothing good to say, don’t.

Thank you, Lord for guiding me through last week. For ensuring that my event went smoothly (: Lord, please refresh my soul for this coming week. Continue to hold me up with your strong hands, fill me with positivity, help me find rest in You and guide me in Your simple plans for me. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen!

God, thank You for Your discernment. Help me to pay attention to Your still, small voice speaking to my heart so I can live in a way that will keep my conscience free and clear before You. – Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

Lord, You are the light of the world. Thank You for wanting to shine that light in our lives. Cleanse me today so that I may let Your light shine through. – ODB, 2 May 2016

Don’t leave things undone, but finish what you start to the best of your ability. Set your mind to be steadfast and determined. Commit yourself to excellent results. God honors an attitude of excellence. Choose to do your best, and He will always work alongside you. God, I want to live a life of excellence. Strengthen me and help me to do my best in every situation with steadfastness, diligence and determination. – Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

Lord, help me to see where help is needed, and help me to provide that help. Thank You for the comfort You give; help me to share it. Comfort received should be comfort shared. – ODB, 3 May 2016

Don’t forget to do good and to share what you have because God is pleased with these kinds of sacrifices. – Hebrews 13:16

God, I make up my mind and purpose in my heart right now to be a cheerful giver. Show me how I can generously give to You and the people in my life today. – Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

Trust in the Lord with all your heart; don’t rely on your own intelligence. Know him in all your paths, and he will keep your ways straight. – Proverbs 3:5-6

Dear Father, we often struggle to spend time with You. Help us to make time, and help us sense Your goodness and presence. There is never a day when we don’t need to pray. – ODB, 5 May 2016

Self-pity is actually idolatry because it is self-focus carried to the extreme. When you lose hope and begin to feel sorry for yourself, stop and say: “I refuse to feel sorry for myself. I may be in a difficult season of life right now, but I will not stop hoping for better things!” God has thoughts and plans for your good, to give you hope for the future. God, I refuse to feel sorry for myself. Even if things are difficult right now, I know that You are bigger than my problems and that You have a good future planned for me. I want Your plans to come to pass in my life, and I trust in You to change my circumstances according to Your will. – Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

I know the plans I have in mind for you, declares the Lord; they are plans for peace, not disaster, to give you a future filled with hope. – Jeremiah 29:11

The fruit of righteousness will be peace; and the outcome of righteousness, calm and security forever. – Isaiah 32:17

God, I’m so glad and so thankful that You understand everything I go through and struggle with. When I am tempted to take the path of least resistance, I will find my strength in You to make the tough choices. – Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

God, don’t let me falter in the face of opposition. I know that You have great plans for me and great opposition only means greater opportunity. I trust You and know that You can take me to new levels. – Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

God, I refuse to feel sorry for myself. Even if things are difficult right now, I know that You are bigger than my problems and that You have a good future planned for me. I want Your plans to come to pass in my life, and I trust in You to change my circumstances according to Your will. – Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life


Devotion 1/5/2016

Sometimes, I find meaningful words/verses/phrases and I do a screenshot of them. But somehow, an idea struck me today and I thought, “Why not just do a weekly Sunday thing?” Just in case the phone dies and the screenshots disappeared *choy!*

Annndd….we’re in the fifth month of the year. Time really do fly by. Sigh. Long weekend! I am half-resting and half-worrying about school. Recess activities on Tuesday and Wednesday that I somehow pulled together in less than a week. From what I can see, I have left out 2 things that’s undone. But ah well. First event, bound not to be perfect. I’ll learn.

The past week has been…hectic. Marking Paper 1. Suspended time-table means more periods with the kids. Though I try to stick to the usual time-table as much as possible. The kids had plenty of rest time so as not to feel overwhelmed. The hot weather has brought about some more behavioral issues than usual. More day-dreaming, more restlessness, less 100%. Conking out every night. But nonetheless, thanks to God, I made it through (: Praying in the morning gives me strength (well, I am always half-sleeping and half-praying).

Coming week will be short but I am expecting more craziness. Tuesday – recording, event. Wednesday – event, mum’s appt. Thursday – catch up! Friday – P2 marking. Meh. Hopefully I won’t experience burnt out like I did last term. GO GO GO!

Lord, I ask for guidance and wisdom this coming week. Hold me up with your strong hands and teach me to do your will every day. Keep me in your care. Amen.

[God will] give relief to you who are troubled. – 2 Thessalonians 1:7

Dear God, please protect us and give us wisdom through Your Holy Spirit. Help us to be just and fair in everything we do so that we are good representatives for You. One day, God will right every wrong. – ODB, 24 April 2016

God, Your ways are better than mine and I know that trusting in my own strength will get me nowhere. I place my trust in You. Even when it doesn’t make sense to me, I choose to trust You, knowing You will make Your plans come to pass. – Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

Lord, we cannot read about the failures and difficulties of others without being reminded of our own. We bring them all to You, seeking forgiveness and Your power for a fresh start. It’s not too late to make a fresh start with God.  – ODB, 25 April 2016

Love and faithfulness reconcile guilt; the fear of the Lord turns away evil. – Proverbs 16:6

God showed me that I had to discipline myself in order to simplify my life. It may be tough at first, but the order and restraint are worth the effort. [I learnt this the hard way last term]. Lord, I want to experience the peaceful fruit of a well-disciplined life. When I’m tempted to over-commit and stretch myself too far, help me to slow down and only do things You want me to do.  – Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

Everyone has to deal with inconveniences, but we can deal with them and avoid a bad attitude. God can always lead you past disappointing circumstances, strengthening you and helping you to hold on to your peace. God, only You are perfect. I am so glad that even when people and circumstances fail, You never do. Instead of putting my hope in things that will disappoint, I choose a life of peace that only comes from putting my hope in You. – Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

People plan their path, but the Lord secures their steps. – Proverbs 16:9

We sail into the uncertain future surrounded by the faithfulness of God! – ODB, 27 April 2016

The Lod is the Spirit, and where the Lord’s Spirit is, there is freedom. – 2 Corinthians 3:17

Lord, I make a right decision right now and live for You alone. Living by other people’s standards and expectations for me will get me nowhere. You are the only One who matters, and I will be the person You’ve made me to be. – Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

God, sometimes I don’t pursue what You’ve placed in my heart because of my worries and cares, so today, I give them to You. I know You can handle them, and You want me to be free to follow my heart. – Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

Lord, please shape my thoughts and actions so people may sense that I have been with You. When we walk with God, people will notice. – ODB, 29 April 2016

Make the best decision that You can and trust God with the results. Holy Spirit, thank You for showing me that indecision doesn’t really get me anywhere. Help me to let my ‘yes’ be ‘yes’, and my ‘no’ be ‘no’. I know I can’t go wrong when I make decisions the best I can and simply trust You with the results. – Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

God is the one who enables you both to want and to actually live out his good purposes. – Philippians 2:13

God, I want to enjoy life, not constantly clean up problems that result from a lack of wisdom. Thank You for providing Your wisdom for me. I choose to receive it and make godly decisions for my future. – Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life

Lord, I want to experience the peaceful fruit of a well-disciplined life. When I’m tempted to over-commit and stretch myself too far, help me to slow down and only do things You want me to do.  – Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life
